A Perfect Solution For Everyone

Ready-to-Use B2B & B2C Marketplace Products We Offer

A Cost-Effective Platform to Build On-Demand Apps & Web Solutions for Your Business


On-Demand Delivery Marketplace

Take your delivery business to newer heights with our readymade on demand marketplace solution.

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Home Services Marketplace

With our readymade home services marketplace solution, we enable businesses to reach their customers easily.

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Hire Handyman Service Web

Innovative on-demand handyman app development to revamp your household repair business & establish an efficient presence in the marketplace

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E-Commerce Services Marketplace

Apt platform to build your on-demand B2B or B2C eCommerce app that connects you with your end-user instantly.

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B2B or B2C e-Commerce Development

ekalyva relies on a robust cutting-edge technology stack, high customizations, and robust third-party integrations to power up your next-gen eCommerce Business app solutions

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On Demand Grocery Delivery Marketplace

Our on demand grocery delivery app development platform is designed to meet the demands of different business verticals.

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Our Company

Innovative It Helping Service All Over the World

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Our Industry-Specific Capabilities

Our software solutions are specially designed for companies striving to perform better in the food industry. We have developed hi-tech solutions with several features and modules for all the sectors of the food industries, they are:

  • Ease to Trace

    Account for the produced food items and track the on-time delivery at any point in time during the process. In addition to this, you can also track and create real-time reporting in the event of a recall.

  • Reporting

    Create customized and robust reports that easily measure the real-time utilization, performance, sales, and other data for precise forecasting.

  • High Quality

    Producing high-quality goods to provide services that adhere to strict regulations, packaging requirements, and food-safety standards. You can manage everything with a centralized app to control your processes.

  • Inventory Management

    Monitor the performance of your critical plant equipment with real-time data direct from the restaurant. This functionality is designed to provide you with complete visibility of the process while enhancing operational efficiency

  • Support & Maintenance

    Monitor the performance of your critical plant equipment with real-time data direct from the restaurant. This functionality is designed to provide you with complete visibility of the process while enhancing operational efficiency

Ready to get started? Give us a try!

Lets Do It!
Working Process

We are popular because of our way of working

Our readymade custom on-demand app and web development solution works well across a wide range of industries. With 10+ years of learning and experience, we have incorporated top of the line features like real-time tracking, route optimization, fleet personalization analytics & reports, live chat support, and more.

process shape

Research Product

Get a full-fledged event app with complete ownership. Launch it to the App Store, Google Play Store, and anywhere else you want it to be with no developer input.

process shape

User Testing

Manage and plan all your updates using our extensive web-based dashboard in real-time. Keep yourself updated and lead the industry.

process shape


You just have to pay monthly fees to deploy as many mobile event applications as you want.


Product Handover

Empower your participants to connect with like-minded people. Establish communication with them and expand your network.

Case Studies

Have a Look Our Work Showcase

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  • All
  • Design
  • Development
  • Cyber Security

Joe’s Company Software Development Case

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Ride Share App UX Studies & Development Case

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Restaurant Management & Web Developing

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IT Software Company Development Case

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Parking Management & Web Developing

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Temperature App UX Studies & Development Case

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We Have Also Some Features That Provided by ekalyva

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  • Freelancing Traning Course
  • Technological Consultation
  • Monthly Paid Workspace
  • IT Learning Institute
  • Digital Marketing
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